After watching the film, he said, "I can make a movie too."
We've seen how much he loves visual effects, animation and shooting movies, but this was the first time he'd ever articulated it for himself.
This revelation follows close on the heels of smaller declarations of independence, like telling me, "no, I'm still playing on my computer" when asked if he wanted to join me at the store, and insisting that he be notified any time we plan on doing laundry because it is "my turn to do it."
In a few weeks, he'll be turning 9. Last year, when I asked him who he wanted to come to his birthday party, he had no strong ideas. This year, when I asked, he said, "EVERYBODY!"
So cool to see him growing in self-awareness. Now that he wants to let everybody in, I think I'm going to need a bigger birthday cake.
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